Health and Gender: Neighbourhood Research for Community Development

Interest in women's health and general living condition has increased in the last two decades. A wide range of informational sources, such as UN reports, scientific papers and statistics from National Health Systems and Government Health Ministries (Rohlfs, 1997; Raju, 2000), have highlighted the vulnerability of women's health and women's access to health care and treatment. This vulnerability becomes more evident in geographical areas characterised by poverty and social exclusion.

The state of health of an individual is determined by biological factors, psychological characteristics and socio-cultural contexts and this underlines the need for policies based on equity and freedom. The complex nature of the results of health research may be due to its multidisciplinary and the presence of a variety of stakeholders and interested agents (citizens, health care staff, pharmacological industries, policy makers, free trade agreements, etc.) than might pursue contradictory goals.

This book is a serious, well-documented research text with cleary and rigurously depicts the health state of a community through the analysis of the neighbourhood's administrative and social activities. The work is envisaged as a practical tool for local policy makers who design and implement equity policies in their areas. The authors provide relevant conclusions and discuss policy implications for the facilitation and maximisation of the use of economic resources and the adapting of public spaces and systems to meet the needs of the citizen.

Health and Gender: Neighbourhood Research for Community Development / Marta Gil Lacruz, Ana Isabel Gil Lacruz, Tomás Javier Abadía Sanz. – Zaragoza, 2010
ISBN 978-84-8465-374-5
166 páginas, 24x17 cm.
Colección Informes técnicos
PVP 18.00 €